LaSalle continues to work hard to minimize the risks of Covid-19 to our employees and those in our care

LaSalle is fully committed to operating our facilities at the highest level, providing safe, secure and humane surroundings for our staff, those in our custody, care and the communities in which we operate. As a longstanding provider, we exercise the implementation of best practices for the prevention, assessment, and management of infectious diseases.


LaSalle has implemented our Pandemic Contingency Plan in response to COVID-10. This includes screening, testing, appropriate treatment, prevention, education, and infection control measures. We have long formulated these strategies and plans for responding to a pandemic. After thorough review and consultation of existing pandemic flu, all-hazards, and disaster plans, were revised for COVID-19. Our strategic planning ensures for continuity of operations and a sustainable health care delivery system within facility settings. All emergency services and advanced medical care is included in pandemic planning.

Correctional and detention facilities can include custody, housing, education, recreation, healthcare, food service, and workplace components in a single physical setting. The integration of these components presents unique challenges for control of COVID-19 transmission among incarcerated/detained persons, staff, and visitors. However, our consistent application of specific preparation, prevention, and management measures have reduced the risk of transmission and severe disease from COVID-19. As we continue to adjust to the rapid changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, LaSalle will continue to adapt our practices and policies in accordance with guidance from health experts to ensure the health and safety of our employees and those in our care and our communities.

We continue our focus on operational and communications planning, reinforcing hygiene practices, intensifying cleaning and disinfection of facilities, and monitoring for potential cases. Facilities have also increased social distancing through physical separation, having staggered meals, meal locations and recreation times in order to limit large gatherings.

All our facilities stay consistent with the guidance issued for correctional and detention facilities by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Below is the general LaSalle guidance provided to each facility on the topics related to COVID-19 in correctional and detention settings.

• Operational and communications preparations for COVID-19
• Enhanced cleaning/disinfecting and hygiene practices
• Social distancing strategies to increase space between individuals in the facility
• How to limit transmission from visitors
• Infection control, including recommended personal protective equipment (PPE) and potential alternatives during PPE shortages
• Verbal screening and temperature check protocols for incoming incarcerated/detained individuals, staff, and visitors
• Medical isolation of confirmed and suspected cases and quarantine of contacts, including considerations for cohorting when individual spaces are limited
• Health care evaluation for suspected cases, including testing for COVID-19
• Clinical care for confirmed and suspected cases
• Considerations for persons at higher risk of severe disease from COVID-19

Our facilities provide 24/7 access to health care. LaSalle facilities housing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detainees, the number of health care staff compared to state correctional facilities is significantly higher. Also, most facilities are equipped with Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms. We updated our policies and procedures to include best practices for the prevention, assessment, and management of COVID-19, including the implementation of quarantine and cohorting procedures to isolate confirmed and presumptive cases of COVID-19, including medical isolation and the use of Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms. We provided educational guidance to our employees and individuals in our care on the best preventative measures to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and consistent with CDC recommendations, face masks have been provided to all staff and detainees.

LaSalle will continue working closely with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other federal, state, and local agencies to facilitate and refine our pandemic planning and response in confronting COVID-19.

The responsibility to protect those in our custody is paramount and LaSalle is firmly committed to the health and welfare of our detained population.

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